Jessica Boyd began taking dance at the age of three, and has over 16 years of dance training. She came to Dance Works as a student in 1998 and has been here ever since. She was on the Diamonds competition team and was also a student teacher during high school. Throughout college, she worked part-time in the office. Jessica graduated from MTSU in 2006 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development and Family Studies. Using her degree, Jessica developed and teaches the Teeny Dancers’ program, which is a pre-dance, Mommy-and-me class for toddlers. This program incorporates all four domains of development through a combination of activities which include the enhancement of fine and gross motor development, pre-dance skills, tumbling, social bonding, numbers, colors, shapes, rhythm, etc. Jessica also teaches beginning ballet, tap, and jazz classes. In addition to her role as a dance teacher, Jessica serves as Office Manager for Dance Works.